What is Your Next Selling Step in Ann Arbor?

It is a prime time to sell a home in Ann Arbor since the real estate market in the area is currently booming and an influx of people are moving into the area. With numerous motivated buyers in Ann Arbor and surrounding cities, most homeowners are able to successfully sell their homes within a 30-day period. However, with inventory quite low, compared to the amount of buyers waiting to purchase their dream homes, it can make selling a home somewhat challenging if your home is not move-in ready. If you currently have a house on the market yet it hasn’t sold, then you might need to change your strategy or reevaluate your selling process. 

Ann Arbor Home Search

Do You Need to Take a Step Back?

If your home has been on the market for more than 30 days and has not sold, then the listing may need to be revisited. A listing that is considered “stale” is a home that is repeatedly overlooked, or potential buyers make extremely low offers, substantially less than the listing price or what the home is worth. This happens usually because a home is listed with a high asking price.

How to Sell Your Home

Changing Gears

If your listing has in fact gone stale, then there is no reason to lose hope, because by changing gears, you can turn things around and finally get your home sold. You might need to do some homework which will help you take the best course of action. Have you been hearing potential buyers commenting on the same imperfection over and over? If so, then you may need to take your home off the market temporarily to allow time for you to make the necessary renovations.


Have you recently had your home properly appraised? Is your asking price closer to comparable houses for sale in the area? You might seriously want to think about lowering your asking price, because it could make a big difference and possibly turn your luck around in no time.

Are You Working with the Right Agent?

In order to sell a home with ease, the real estate agent who has been hired to market it must possess knowledge, skill and drive. If your agent lacks these attributes, then you might seriously want to consider hiring a new, more experienced agent with a good track record in your area.

It can be very distressing to place your home on the market in a prime area and it fails to sell after a certain period of time. Despite your distress, there is hope to get your home sold quickly, and for a fair price. You might need to make a few changes, strategically lower your asking price, or even switch to a more experienced and aggressive real estate agent. You might also want to consider offering incentives like including brand new appliances with the sale, or offering to pay closing costs. As long as you carefully analyze your situation ahead of time and then proceed to make the necessary changes, then your house will likely sell as expected.

For more information on selling your home, please do not hesitate to contact us!

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