Kathy Toth & Toth Team Worldwide Network of KW

Your Ann Arbor Area Home Sold At A Price and Term We Agree To Or I’ll Buy It
Who else has a proven “Home Selling System” that turns your Ann Arbor home sale into a GUARANTEED SALE at a price acceptable to you in days as heard on 102.9 and 107.1 FM.
The Kathy Toth and Team’s Home Selling Guarantee Program will lock in your profits within 24 hours of listing your home for sale, eliminate the uncertainty of when your home will sell, and make you the dominant seller on the market which causes your current home to sell faster.
Here’s The Problem
Every month, thousands of Washtenaw County homeowners are faced with the stressful dilemma of whether to buy first or sell first. You see, if you buy before selling, you could run the risk of owning two homes. Or, just as bad, if you sell first, you could end up feeling stressed and perhaps rushing into making a buying decision on the wrong home. It’s an extremely anxious position in which to find yourself.
This financial and emotional tightrope is one you usually have to walk alone because most agents have no way of helping you with this predicament.
Here’s The Solution: www.866ownthis.com/
Call (866) OWN-THIS (866) 696-8447 Extension 1072, to listen to the program!
The Kathy Toth Home Selling Team has created a unique Home Selling Guarantee Program which solves this dilemma. This program guarantees the sale of your present home before you take possession of your new one.
If your home doesn’t sell, we will buy it from you at a price acceptable to you, ensuring that you are never get caught owning two homes or none at all!
In our Ann Arbor Area market where 67% of homes sell, a guarantee which ensures that your home will sell is critical. Unfortunately, you will find that 99.99% of agents simply cannot make such a guarantee. Nationwide, consumers can find an agent in their area participating in the guaranteed sell program by asking us for the connection. If there is not an agent in your area that offers a guaranteed home sell program we will connect you with the most qualified agent in your area.
Here’s what this offer will do for you:
- Eliminate the stress and worry of losing out to competing offers on the home you want to purchase by never having to place a contingent offer again!
- You can lock in an upfront guaranteed price and still make additional thousands of dollars in profits from an outside buyer.
- Your current home will sell quicker without having to accept a contingent offer from an outside buyer.
You must:
- Market your home through the Kathy Toth Home Selling Team
- Purchase a home inspection and home appraisal
- Agree to reduce the list price of your property at certain intervals during the agreed selling period
- Purchase your next home through Kathy Toth Team Real Estate.1.
- Have a minimum of 20% gross equity in the property.
- Be current on all mortgages and make mortgage payments and maintenance on the property until closing.
Your home must:
- Be a single-family primary residence. Townhomes and condominiums qualify. The property can be vacant when applying for the program but cannot be rented during the listing period.
- Be valued between $100,000 and $300,000.2.
- Be marketable; the condition and appeal must meet or surpass typical buyer expectations for the area and price range.
- Be located in Washtenaw County marketplace.
See what Your Home is Worth in Minutes? CLICK HERE and see, you may be surprised.