My Home Didn’t Sell. Now What?

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If your home’s listing on the MLS has expired, you may be wondering which steps you should take next. You have three options to consider: relist right away, relist in the near future, or decide not to sell.

Those who decide to hire the same agent they used in the past can likely expect the same results as before. If you’re considering hiring a new agent, we always recommend interviewing a few different ones before making a decision. This will help you pinpoint what went wrong previously.

Success in selling your home is based on the home’s location, its price, and the condition of it as well as the market and the agent you select to sell it. After all, it’s the agent, not the company, who sells your house.

Hire an agent with a large buyer network who can attract buyers to the property. When deciding who to hire, ask the agent to show you their network of prospective buyers. Hire an agent based on their marketing strategy, marketing results, and ability to track global buyers to generate results.

Hire an agent that specializes in your exact needs.


Many clients say that they hire us based on our referrals, five-star online reviews, community and education videos, after watching us on House Hunters, or after hearing us on TV or radio. Other things to look for in agents are specialization in global promotion and luxury international marketing (we translate ads for your home into 19 native languages), as well as the implementation of modern technology to attract buyers. You’ll also want to find an agent with a great inside sales department; for example, we have a staff of client relationship associates whose only job is to find qualified buyers.

You wouldn’t want a general practitioner to operate on your kidney, would you? No, you would want to hire a kidney specialist. Be sure that the agent you hire fits your exact needs.

If you’d like any assistance finding an agent that specializes in your needs, please reach out to us by phone or email. We would love to hear from you!

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