Sell Your Home to Baby Boomers Searching for College Town Retirement

180250187With the new influx of retirees choosing college towns for retirement, marketing a home towards this new group of potential buyers in Ann Arbor, MI is a great choice. Keep retirees in mind when putting your home or condominium on the market since this group of people is now making up a significant amount of the home buying audience. With a few alterations in your selling approach as well as some modifications on marketing your property, you may be on your way to a quick turnaround and a substantial profit.

Why the Change to College Towns?

Retirees are different from years past. Today’s retirees are younger and more health oriented. They look for locations that are full of activity such as college towns in order to access amenities such as speaking engagements, theater groups, music venues and expanding their own education. Home of the University of Michigan, there are many avenues for retirees to keep their lives interesting and active. Another more practical perk of college towns is that they tend to have large, updated medical facilities.


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Why Sell Now?

The market in Ann Arbor, MI is prime form for selling a home in this area, with prices reaching higher levels while interest rates are at lower levels. People looking to purchase have more inclination to pay more for a home as the interest rates are at rock bottom allowing more money for paying on the principal of the loan. If you will be buying after selling your home, this goes both ways. Lower interest rates can benefit both sides of the purchasing equation. With retirees flocking to college towns, Ann Arbor is the perfect site to gear your sale to this audience.

How to Market to Retirees?

Retirees look for a home or condominium that takes less maintenance. Older residents look to downsize so they will not be as concerned about yard work or maintenance on a smaller home when traveling. If you are trying to appeal to retirees then keep landscaping simple. If you have a home with a master bedroom on the main floor, walk-in showers or open living spaces then your property may be a fantastic choice for retirees.

Selling a home with retirees in mind in Ann Arbor, MI has the potential for a successful selling opportunity. By making sure your home’s retiree-friendly details are included in the marketing materials or by performing a few inexpensive changes to the home, older buyers may find their home in your property. Targeting the many amenities a college town has to offer for retirees as well as an invigorating, youthful environment may just be the icing on the cake for incoming buyers. For more information about selling your home and the buyer audience in Ann Arbor, please don’t hesitate to contact us. If you are looking for more details on these seller process, check out our Definitive Guide to Selling Your Home:

How to Sell Your Home