Thanksgiving is a time to gather with family and friends and to recognize and make note of all that we are thankful for. It is also an important time to remember and reach out to those that are less fortunate. Whether it is lack of food or a warm home to gather in or it’s due to the loss of a loved one, there are people who need us to reach out to them at Thanksgiving time. There are many different charities in the Ann Arbor area, but below are a few of the city’s best:

Ann Arbor Thanksgiving Turkey Trot
- 2375 Hubbard StreetAnn Arbor, MI 48109.
- Phone: (248) 437-4524
This 5K walk/run begins and ends at the North Campus of the University of Michigan on Thanksgiving Morning. Participants are asked to bring at least one non-perishable food item to benefit the Food Gatherers of Ann Arbor as well as warm clothing items to donate to the Salvation Army. Children and strollers are welcome. Post Turkey Trot events include awards, refreshments, and Santa Claus.
Ann Arbor Meals on Wheels
- 2025 Traverwood Drive, Suite FAnn Arbor, MI 48105
- Phone: (734) 998-6686
This wonderful company provides meals to home bound individuals in the Ann Arbor area. The meals are prepared by the University of Michigan Health System’s Patient Food and Nutrition Services and delivered by volunteers. Not only do they provide meals for those less fortunate, but they also provide dignity and fellowship. For some people, the volunteer is the only person they see all day. Donate your time or a monetary amount. Make sure those less fortunate have food and company for the Thanksgiving season.
Habitat for Humanity
- 170 Aprill DriveAnn Arbor, MI 48103
- Phone: (734) 677-1558
Habitat for Humanity makes home ownership possible for low-income families and individuals. There are many ways to get involved including donating to the Habitat for Humanity ReStore, making a monetary donation, or donating your time helping out in the construction of new homes. Groups and families can sign up together. Help a family have a warm home to gather in next Thanksgiving.
Homefront Hugs USA
- 1850 Brookfield DriveAnn Arbor, MI 48103
- Phone: (734) 330-8203
Homefront Hugs USA has its headquarters in Ann Arbor and is dedicated to supporting our military, veterans, and their families. Write letters or send cards to wounded veterans. You can “Adopt” a deployed hero or heroin. Show your support and appreciation for our country’s finest. Hundreds of men and women are on the Homefront Hugs waiting list for you to come along side them. Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to show these families we are thinking of them and appreciate their sacrifice.
Putting the Giving Back in Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a bountiful time of year. Warm, cozy fires at home and hearty family meals should make us all feel grateful. Remember those in need and take stock of how you can help. Donate time, money, food, or clothing to those less fortunate and you will enable them to enjoy this holiday season as well.